Adult Art Classes in Reno

Adult Art Classes in Reno, NV

In addition to offering some of the best youth art classes in Reno, Kids-N-Art also has classes that are designed solely for adults. This means that you can now enjoy the world of art just as your children do. These classes center around different themes. Whether you are only just beginning to develop your artistic abilities or are looking to further the skills you already have, we work in a variety of media to create the perfect class just for you.

Looking for a ladies night out? We have a class that is designed perfectly just for this. Get out of the house for a little while and come enjoy the company of friends while sipping on a glass of wine. It is a great way to spend a Thursday night.

Looking for something a little more serious? We have you covered. Our adult art classes work in a variety of different styles to challenge you artistically and get your creative mind spinning. We enjoy the company of moms, dads, and grandparents in a night just for adults. There are always plenty of laughs and some great art.

Maybe you just want to spend some quality time with your child. Our mother/daughter classes provide the opportunity for you two to connect and get to see each other in a different, creative light. It is a fun time for both mother and daughter and is sure to result in some great bonding.

At Kids-N-Art we definitely place our focus on children, but it is such a great joy to work with adults as well. Besides, most of our customers are also our friends. We love to share creativity in our adult art classes in Reno. We always have a great time, and would love to invite you to come hang out with us.

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