Art Programs in Reno- General Information

Great Books for Great Parents: Recommendations from Your Favorite Reno Art Program

41IVgtR2JuL._SY344_PJlook-inside-v2,TopRight,1,0_SH20_BO1,204,203,200_At Drawn2Imagine, we are often asked about books we could recommend for inspiring creativity in children. As part of our Reno art program, we have decided to offer some thoughts on books we have read that really have a lot to offer. This month we are recommending Magic Trees of the Mind: How to Nurture your Child’s Intelligence, Creativity and Healthy Emotions from Birth through Adolescence, by Marian Diamond and Janet Hopson.

The title may be a mouthful, but the content is extremely fascinating. As a proactive Reno art program, Drawn2Imagine would recommend it to any one who likes to learn about the cool new discoveries of science and especially to parents who are interested in giving their child a head start on learning. The book dives into the little known parts of how the brain develops. The first few years are extremely important and can be used to amp up your child’s ability to learn.

During those first years, neuroconnections are being built at a rapid pace. This book talks about different activities and strategies that parents can use to maximize how many connections are made by their child in this critical stage of life. The more opportunities a child has to explore and tinker with new objects and ideas, the more connections they will build. This can actually make them smarter, more creative and emotionally healthy.

We all want smart children. I have never met a parent who thought that their child was actually too smart. Our Reno art program is designed to help children open new doors for the future. We give them tools that art-deprived children never get to experience. We feel that this book is a great pairing with our program. It is a great read that we think you just not be able to put down.

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